
Secure access for research and education
The field of research and education has a variety of requirements for network access control. Use of diverse systems and mobile devices and the constant availability of services for a large number of very different user groups represents a particular challenge for the network infrastructure. Free access to the internet must be ensured on the one hand and direct, controlled access to the internal network on the other. Our solution protects your corporate assets reliably. Unauthorized access to research results or prepared patent applications can be reliably prevented. The threat to business success from unnoticed industrial espionage, sabotage or data theft is a thing of the past.

Here's what the ARP-GUARD NAC solution has to offer the research and education sector
- Complete overview and control of all devices on the network
- Network segmentation to protect sensitive internal data and areas
- Time, user and device-based access rights
- Automated VLAN assignment for known devices
- Attractive, sector-appropriate licensing