
ARP-GUARD NAC protects government and administrative networks
For the public sector and its information security, establishing a functioning IT security management system is mandatory. Baseline IT protection according to the BSI must be established as an important building block in order to be able to protect IT systems reliably against digital attacks. As a network access control system, the ARP-GUARD NAC solution makes a significant contribution to implementing the standards of the BSI’s IT Baseline Protection catalog of measures to ensure IT security in public authorities. Access is prevented for insecure and unauthorized systems. A functioning administration is indispensable for the general public and the economy. In particular, the ongoing digitalization of the entire administrative apparatus brings many opportunities and streamlines processes for the public, and in the long term is expected to replace traditional administrative procedures. However, the new possibilities and communication channels also create additional attack vectors, especially for largely personal and sensitive data that must be protected against unauthorized access.

Here’s what the ARP-GUARD NAC solution has to offer government and administrative networks
- Policy enforcement across the network
- Network integrity up to the end device
- Only authorized devices are granted network access.
- Temporary internet access for visitors
- Protection of sensitive, personal data according to GDPR
- Network segmentation to protect internal, sensitive areas and personal data
- Support for implementation of ISO/IEC 27001, DIN EN 80001-1, PCI/DDS